
Erfolgreiche Unterstützung für SOFDI: 40 Brunnen für Kenia

Am 23. Juni 2024 fand auf dem idyllischen Seehof in Küsnacht ZH eine erfolgreiche Benefizveranstaltung für SOFDI ( statt. Die engagierte Schweizer Stiftung unterstützt Gemeinden im Westen Kenias durch innovative Landwirtschafts- und Bildungsprogramme, insbesondere durch die Erschliessung von Wasserquellen in Dorfnähe, um den Menschen Zugang zu sauberem Wasser zu ermöglichen.

Die Finanzierung solcher Wasserprojekte hängt entscheidend von Ressourcen und Geld ab. Die letztjährige Wohltätigkeitsveranstaltung wurde von den Teilnehmern sehr gut angenommen und erbrachte einen Erlös von CHF 10'000, der direkt an SOFDI überwiesen wurde. An der diesjährigen Veranstaltung konnten wir erfreut feststellen, dass dieser Betrag für den Bau von 40 neuen Brunnen verwendet wurde.

Darüber hinaus haben wir zahlreiche handgeschriebene Briefe von Menschen erhalten, die dem Lions Club und unseren Unterstützern für die durch die Brunnen geschaffenen Möglichkeiten danken. Einige dieser Briefe möchten wir Ihnen hier zeigen:


"On behalf of the community and Shanjetso we sincerely thank you for your good work. Our people have been drinking unsafe and unprotected water for a very long time posing a health hazzard and now its very different through your water projects in this community. Nearly all water sources have been built by your skilled engineers and they are very beautiful and attractive wells or rather water sources. I also take this opportunity on behalf of the county gvt of Kakamega to thank you very much and to walcome you again. Thanks a lot. Vichondo Spring is now used by 37 households. Yours at service, Frank Bahati"


"Dear Sir/Madam (...) We the Shimbiro Community of Bulukhombe Village in Makuchi sublocation hereby express our sincere thanks for fresh water spring you have constructed for us. The spring was in poor shape before your coming to support us. It had overgrown with bush of grasses and water would be dirtified when drawing water containers. We also had a challenge of removing the sitted mud and algave during flooding by rain water. Some members could get flu and fever after using the water. Our community of Shimbiro feels happy and safe in using the clean spring water now then. We also have trust in using the clean water for our families. The spring serves twenty six families of 45 adults and 39 children. We therefore express our thanks for the material and labor support that has transferred the spring into a modern one. Yours faithfully, Samson Shitavi, Chairman-Shimbiro Community"


"Dear Sir/Madam; (...) Receive much greetings from us the Mutsulia Village group hoping you are also doing well our good people from SOFDI Association. After greetings we would like to thank you so much for having us in mind in terms of our water spring, before your coming the state of the spring was very pathetic and not in a good condition. Some of the challenges the community faced from the spring were as follows. (i) Long line due to small amount of water flow which led to a quarel and fight among kids. (ii) Dirty and low quality water according to required standards. (iii) Open water points which could lead to poisonous or damage from evil people. (iv) Pathetic trenches, simply not well done. (v) Flooding also caused so many dirty particles accumulating in it which may cause diseases. (vi) Accessibility to the water was not easy for all the members accordingly. Further more, the community after SOFDI has taken chance of protecting and building the spring has enhanced sufficient supply of clean water for drinking. The community is in Jubliation and thankfull for the unwavering support. The water spring is now benefiting more than 100 households interms of fetching water for use. With Alot of humility in our hearts we the Mutsulia community we would like to register our sincere greatfullness for having done us this amazing long-lasting project for our community may. God increase and expand your territories. We wish to thank you in advance... Yours faithfully Mutsulia Village Community" 


Wir möchten uns bei allen bedanken, die uns auf diese Weise unterstützt haben, und freuen uns darauf zu sehen, welche positiven Veränderungen die diesjährigen Spenden bis zur nächsten Veranstaltung bewirken werden.